People in the Lab
Melissa A. Green
Associate Professor
Favorite fluid flow: A vortex street
Favorite research moment: When I found the last bug and my FTLE code finally worked correctly on my thesis PIV data
Favorite lunch takeout by campus: Roti
Favorite river: Mississippi
Justin King
PhD 2021, Syracuse University
Favorite fluid flow: Eddies in a river
Favorite research moment: Seeing repeatable KHI vortices in the instantaneous PIV of pitching panels at high St
Favorite scientist: Alexander von Humboldt
Favorite conference memory: Getting stuck in Switzerland for 10 days with COVID after DisCoVor 2022
Favorite Stooge: Curly
Graduate students
Ricardo Cavalcanti Linhares
PhD student
Favorite fluid flow: Y250 vortex
Favorite research moment: When I managed to build a 100 micrometer temperature probe for measuring the deposit-liquid interface temperature of the solution being studied.
Favorite food: Barbecue
Favorite hobby: Traveling
Favorite sports: Soccer and surfing
Raphael Ribeiro
PhD student
Favorite fluid flow: Sail trim
Favorite food: Pasta with red sauce
Favorite sports: Sailing and rock climbing
Alemni Yiran
PhD student
Favorite fluid flow: Turbulent
Favorite TV show: New Girl
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite lattes: Almond, matcha, or lavendar
Alex Zhu
PhD student
Favorite fluid flow: Wingtip vortices
Favorite food: Red braised pork
Favorite aquatic animal: Rhina ancylostoma
JJ Serdoncillo
MS student
Favorite fluid flow: Hypersonic
Favorite food: Free food
Favorite sports: Powerlifting, frisbee, and rock climbing
Other labmates
Graduated Ph.D. students
Swathi Krishna
2017 PhD with Karen Mulleners at EPFL (Green co-advised)
Thesis title: Unsteady Fluid Dynamics Around a Hovering Flat Plate Wing
Matthew Rockwood
2017 PhD
Thesis title: Lagrangian Visualization and Real-Time Identification of the Vortex Shedding Time in the Wake of a Circular Cylinder
Yangzi Huang
2017 PhD
Thesis title: Vortex detection and tracking in massively separated and turbulent flows
Jack Rossetti
2020 PhD
Thesis title: A method of topology optimization for curvature continuous designs
Han Tu
2020 PhD
Thesis title: Analysis of the flow structure and reattachment over accelerating non-slender delta-wing planforms
Justin King
2021 PhD
Thesis title: The Influence of Trailing Edge Shape and Kinematics on Bio-Inspired Pitching Panels
Seth Brooks
2021 PhD
Thesis title: Analysis of Multiple Degree-of-Freedom Oscillatory Aquatic Propulsion